Product Videos

Teachers2Parents Overview
Annabel demonstrates how T2P makes sending messages and maximising parental engagement easier than ever.

T2P Forms
Rahim takes a closer look at how to build forms in Teachers2Parents to help collect information and consent seamlessly.

Groupcall Overview
Daniel introduces Groupcall, our all-in-one communications solution with more advanced engagement tools.

Groupcall Forms
Matt shows you how to build custom forms in Groupcall to collect information for things like school trips.

SchoolMoney Overview
Merve shows how SchoolMoney makes it easy to set up payment requests, using the example of a school trip.

WisePay Overview
Kayleigh demonstrates how WisePay can take payments for school meals, supplies, exam resits, trips and much more.
Data & Analytics

Assembly Overview
Frank introduces Assembly, the ideal education analytics solution for MATs, with including popular dashboards.

BehaviourWatch Overview
Jake demonstrates how BehaviourWatch can be customised to manage rewards, incidents, interventions and more.
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